Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Without Asking
" Don't think of the
things you didn't get after
Think of the countless blessings
God gave you without
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Open House Carver Elementary May 22, 2014
Last Thursday night many of my fellow Carver Cougar Alumni moms volunteered to help with an Open House event at our children's elementary school. The event featured art work the students in 1st-5th grade had created in the "Meet the Masters Art Program".* The alumni moms were on hand to greet the parents, to sell ice cream and to receive donations as part of the fund raiser for the continuation of this program. It was a wonderful time for all of us moms whose children went to this school years ago. Now most of our children are grown. It was a fun night of fun, old friends and lots of good memories for a neighborhood school we all love.
L-R Alumna nurse Judy, my friend and 1st grade teacher Lynda and me
Our principal Ms. Forrester, Ms. Dowlen and Susie another alumni mom who is also a teacher in the district
More wonderful Carver Cougar Moms
One of the featured artists: "Homer"
A wonderful turn-out of parents, students and family members
5th grade teacher Ms. Briand and me
The mural on the side of the Cafeteria
The new learning garden
A great night ends with another successful Open House at Carver.
Lynda and I head to nearby Fusion Sushi for some fun catch up time after a busy night at school.
A little R & R is in order
A great night. Cheers to all the teachers, students and staff and all the wonderful volunteer Carver Cougar moms. We do love our neighborhood school, Carver Elementary!
* This is a program wherein four times a year a specific Master artist is featured at a school assembly. There is a complete presentation given with props, slide show and lecture about the artist. In the past Picasso, Mary Cassatt, Monet, Frieda Kahlo and many others have been featured. The teachers are then given an afterschool lesson on a grade appropriate art project in the style of the artist presented at the assembly. In the week that follows each class room will be sent a basket of supplies for the art project and the students will complete that project which can be represented in a variety of media. Sometimes it will be a paper collage or a drawing in pastels or a watercolor. It is a great way to introduce not just a range of art materials but also wonderful lessons on various artists.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
A Lesson In Life
"Although we may not be aware of who or what is "moving the checkers", life has a purpose, and each step of our journey has something to teach us." -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Making Discovery

An award-winning cartoonist and author, Lynda Barry, left (and as depicted by Barry herself at right), is now an associate professor of interdisciplinary creativity — a position that allows her to share a long-held belief: that art and science need not exist apart, that disciplines can intersect and enrich each other
“Anybody who wants to make a discovery of some sort has to push to the edge of the known — and then beyond — in order to make the mistake to make the discovery. Lynda Barry understands that deeply,” Richardson says. “The juicy stuff is in the unknown. There are a million other voices telling you, ‘No — don’t go over there,’ but Lynda’s on the other side with the megaphone saying, ‘Hey, you guys! Don’t forget — the good stuff’s over here!’ ”
* from the article about Lynda Barry "Creative License" by Marianne English Spoon
Photo Jeff Miller
Photo Jeff Miller
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wishing Each of You a Thrilling Ride Through Life

"Look Lama, no hands!" *
*Thank you Nancy Li for this quote.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
They WON!
So thrilled that Maks and Meryl won Season 18 of Dancing With The Stars! The best season ever for me. Watching these two dance week after week was like watching magic happen. I loved it and hate to see this season end but I'm so happy they were given the Mirror Ball Trophy. Well deserved and very memorable!
" This is it... Wish I had another 100 weeks of dancing with Meryl Davis." -Maksim Chmerkovsky
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The Twins Graduation Party
Had a wonderful time this last Saturday May 17th celebrating at a college graduation party for Michael and Adam, the twin sons of our good friends Karen and Alan. What a joy for us to have been a part of their lives and to have had the privilege of watching them grow into kind, intelligent and creative young men. A warm summer like evening provided such a pleasant atmosphere for celebration.
Here's Adam the college graduate along with his girlfriend Sara
Here is Michael, a graduate of Loyola Marymount University with his sister Madeleine
Proud mom Karen
Alan (proud dad of the graduates ) with Mike
Lots of friends, lots of laughter
Lots of yummy food...
Stella, Sara's mom, made all the desserts. They were all so wonderful!
Sara with her parents Stella and Tom.
Congratulations Adam and Michael on your college graduation!
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