"Living on the edge of exhaustion, we are constantly reminded by our bodies and minds that the pace of life is spinning out of control. ...Why are we always in a rush?"
Here is an excerpt from a page within:
"The sense that something is missing from our lives underpins the global yearning for Slowness...The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections--with people, with culture, with work, with nature , with our own bodies and minds. Some call that living better. Others would describe it as spiritual."
Thanks for the info about that book. Slow IS spiritual to me and it's also just common sense!
Annie,I've been trying to "slow" things down in my life. When I am successful at this I find peace. It's something I have to work at with my type A personality. I naturally move fast, talk fast so I'm a work in progress. If I am several paces in front of my husband he often calls out, "I thought you were a 'slow' traveller?" Sometimes I need reminders...
Hi Barb,
Great experts. After reading that I can't feel guilty for taking that well needed nap today.
Actually Angie nap away...being able to listen to what our body needs is so important.
Slowness is a blessing that many people don't know how to get it. Thanks from the book idea!
Isn't it funny -- in our society, "slow" is often used as a pejorative!
You've made a good argument against the conventional wisdom that faster must be better.
I need to get that book for my hubby and for a couple of friends that are always going at the speed of light.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Barb. Your blog is beautiful. I always feel inspired every time I come to visit your little corner. I tried in the past to leave a comment but my Mac didn't let me complete the posting. Hopefully this one will get published.
Thanks Maria! It worked this time.
Beautiful entry Barb, and the photo is gorgeous. So serene and delicate. I must check that book out, it sounds like it contains much wisdom!
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