I just read this on Kim's blog and could not resist taking it and making it my own. What me "Odd"?
41 Odd Things
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes
2. Have you ever smoked? No
3 . Do you own a gun? No
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Cherry
5 . Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes, a little
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Sometimes I crave them, especially at a sporting event. (must have onions on them)
7. Favorite Christmas movie? "Sleepless in Seattle" Well, I'm not sure it's considered a Xmas movie but I watch it every xmas.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Always hot tea unless I have something sweet then "black coffee".
9. Can you do push-ups? No-ooo
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? OMG, that's a difficult one for me. I guess my wedding ring because I never take that off and there's so much sentiment to it.
11. Favorite hobby? Internet and most recently blogging.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I don't think so.
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself ? I'm so anal.
14. Middle name? Kay
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1. I need to finish my italian homework 2. I need to finish my italian homework 3. I need to finish my italian homework.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, tea, zero coke.
17. Current worry? Getting my parents house cleared out, cleaned and ready to rent by April.
18. Currently hate right now? How difficult it is for me to "get" italian.
19. Favorite place to be? Home is fine but I do like being at a beautiful beach.
20. How did you bring in the New Year? Quiet night at home with Mike and Athena. I did make it til midnight.
21. Where would you like to go? So many places trying to crowd the number 1 spot. Have wanted to go to "GREECE" forever.
22. Name three people who will complete this? (I'll copy what Kim wrote:) I won't bother e-mailing it on, b/c no one will but I'm hopeful some of my blogger friends will
41 Odd Things
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes
2. Have you ever smoked? No
3 . Do you own a gun? No
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Cherry
5 . Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes, a little
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Sometimes I crave them, especially at a sporting event. (must have onions on them)
7. Favorite Christmas movie? "Sleepless in Seattle" Well, I'm not sure it's considered a Xmas movie but I watch it every xmas.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Always hot tea unless I have something sweet then "black coffee".
9. Can you do push-ups? No-ooo
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? OMG, that's a difficult one for me. I guess my wedding ring because I never take that off and there's so much sentiment to it.
11. Favorite hobby? Internet and most recently blogging.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I don't think so.
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself ? I'm so anal.
14. Middle name? Kay
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1. I need to finish my italian homework 2. I need to finish my italian homework 3. I need to finish my italian homework.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, tea, zero coke.
17. Current worry? Getting my parents house cleared out, cleaned and ready to rent by April.
18. Currently hate right now? How difficult it is for me to "get" italian.
19. Favorite place to be? Home is fine but I do like being at a beautiful beach.
20. How did you bring in the New Year? Quiet night at home with Mike and Athena. I did make it til midnight.
21. Where would you like to go? So many places trying to crowd the number 1 spot. Have wanted to go to "GREECE" forever.
22. Name three people who will complete this? (I'll copy what Kim wrote:) I won't bother e-mailing it on, b/c no one will but I'm hopeful some of my blogger friends will
23.Do you own slippers? Yes but mostly I just wear socks.
24 . What shirt are you wearing right now? Green turtle neck.
25 Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I have never slept on satin sheets.
26 Can you whistle? No
27. Favorite color? Fuschia
28. Red or white wine? I like both, depends on my mood
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Oh God , NO singing
30. Favorite Girl's name? I've always loved the name Anne/Ann and my daughters names Aria and Athena
31. Favorite Boy's name? Michael, Matthew
32. What's in your pocket right now? A tissue
33. Last thing that made you laugh? A youtube video which I saw last night. I intend to post it in a few days.
34 . Worst injury you ever had? When a swinging trapeze bar came at me sideways and cut my forehead open between my eyes (whoa that sounds bad, doesn't it?)
35. Do you love where you live? Yes, in many ways I do. I love being close to the beach and living in such a mild climate.
36. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
37. Who is your loudest friend? hmmm I would say Cassandra
38. Do you have any pets? Not any more.
39. Does someone have a crush on you? Now that's the answer to Number 33 lol
40. Your favorite book(s): I can't think of any specific one that is my favorite. I've love reading Collected Poems and also biographies, several on Peggy Guggenheim come to mind oh and Anais Nin's diaries.
41. Favorite Sports Team? Don't follow sports
24 . What shirt are you wearing right now? Green turtle neck.
25 Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I have never slept on satin sheets.
26 Can you whistle? No
27. Favorite color? Fuschia
28. Red or white wine? I like both, depends on my mood
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Oh God , NO singing
30. Favorite Girl's name? I've always loved the name Anne/Ann and my daughters names Aria and Athena
31. Favorite Boy's name? Michael, Matthew
32. What's in your pocket right now? A tissue
33. Last thing that made you laugh? A youtube video which I saw last night. I intend to post it in a few days.
34 . Worst injury you ever had? When a swinging trapeze bar came at me sideways and cut my forehead open between my eyes (whoa that sounds bad, doesn't it?)
35. Do you love where you live? Yes, in many ways I do. I love being close to the beach and living in such a mild climate.
36. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
37. Who is your loudest friend? hmmm I would say Cassandra
38. Do you have any pets? Not any more.
39. Does someone have a crush on you? Now that's the answer to Number 33 lol
40. Your favorite book(s): I can't think of any specific one that is my favorite. I've love reading Collected Poems and also biographies, several on Peggy Guggenheim come to mind oh and Anais Nin's diaries.
41. Favorite Sports Team? Don't follow sports
Great list - I will post lots of information about Greece to tease you! LOL
Nice list,Barb. So.... did you finish your Italian homework?
Nice Barb - I'm almost convinced to do this myself :).
Now I am really curious about #33. Glad you survived your horrible accident. A swinging trapeze bar hitting you sideways and cutting your forehead open between your eyes. That sounds really bad! Do you have a scar?
Girasoli, yes I have a small scar. I had taken this MeMe from Kim awhile back and had meant to post it earlier then other ideas came up so the video I speak of in #33 which made me laugh has been posted. The post was called "
Everything is amazing and no one is happy". If you haven't watched it I think this guy said some hilarious stuff." The problem is it has nothing to do with the crush on me question. Sorry I can't remember what I was referring to. How misleading but no one has a crush on me on YouTube or otherwise.
Great list, Barb. I take it you're studying Italian? I'm in an intermediate class and it's a struggle! I just keep imagining how great it would be to have even a short conversation with people in a cafe the next time I'm in Italy!
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