I've been given a very nice award from Laurie at Indulge Your Shelf http://indulgeyourshelf.blogspot.com/2009/03/fab-u-lous.html
Thank you Laurie. That was so sweet of you.
As recipient, I'm to blog about five fabulous things and then pass the award along to five others.
So "Five things I think are fabulous" are:
My Family: I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family. They make my life rich beyond measure. Fabulous
My Family: I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family. They make my life rich beyond measure. Fabulous
My Friends: True friends are gifts to my life. They add meaning and purpose to everything I do . Fabulous
Learning. I love the saying, "You learn something new everyday." Not that some phenomenal amount of knowledge leaps into my brain daily but I am always fascinated with all the things there are to learn about in life. Fabulous.
Travel. I think travel is fabulous. I treasure every past opportunity I’ve had to experience places far and near. I look forward to any chance to see some place new . I truly believe travel broadens everyone's horizons.
Eating. I had to include this big treat in life. Love it. Fabulous.
Now, I'd like to pass this award on to some of my favorite reads:
Palmabella's Passions
Jerry's Thoughts, Musings and Rants!
I Pray To Feta
Baked Alaska
You are all fabulous!
Grazie, Barb! Hope this comment works!
Wow thanks so much for passing the fabulousness on. I enjoy your blog as well!
Barb-Thanks for the award. I love your blog also, I just don't leave comments because I've had trouble with that. I'm trying again.
What a lovely award, Barb -- and I love your list!
Barb - you, my dear, are the FABULOUS one!!
Wow! How do you find all these great places & congrats on your award ~ stop by my blog ~ http://artmusedog.blogspot.com
Hugs and namaste,
I also love your list. Nice post :)
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