Thursday, November 29, 2018

Same Same does Dumb and Dumber

Several weeks ago my sister Jocelyn and I were visiting the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas.
As we approached the entrance I noted a very large brown sculpture.  

It was familiar and I said, "I think this artist is Serra".  At the base of the sculpture there was  signage titling the piece "Vortex" and crediting the artist I had named.  " I said oh yes, it is Richard Serra."  My sister said "As in Father Junipero Serra, I wonder if he was named after the planet?"  

(After a planet????)  
  "RICHARD?????"  I said.

  "NO!!!!!" she said, "JUNIPER !"

(Juniper???) "It's NOT Juniper it's JUPITER "  I said.

Just another day in the life of the same-same sisters! We make each other laugh hysterically. 

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