Our book club met on March 28, 2019 at "Grounds" Bakery.
A lively discussion was led by Jo.
She provided us with a list of questions that gave us food for thought as we discussed the different aspects of the life of the author.
Jo also thought to bring some great coloring sheets with quotes from Michelle Obama.
"Work to create the world as it should be."
"Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you."
"When they go low, we go HIGH."
Judy brought along her 3 1/2 year old adorable grand-daughter Emily to join us.
She shared her book on the "Unicorn" with us.
and she shared her twirly dress which we all loved!
Thank you Nana Judy for sharing your lil sweetie pie with all of us.
We all enjoyed reading this book and each took away some positive lessons on "Becoming".
"For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. .." -M. Obama