Today is my youngest daughter, Athena's birthday. I was looking at her baby book this morning and read what I
wrote when she was one month old: "It's such a nice feeling to hold her
to me in the middle of the night. I can tell already she is going to be
a sweet person- a good natured individual...she's such a sweet, sweet
good natured baby." Funny after all these years to read these words. I
was right! Happy Happy Birthday Athena. We couldn't have dreamed of a
more loving and wonderful daughter. May your dreams continue to come
true! Happy Birthday!
I believe in love and kindness, family first, deep meaningful friendships, counting one's blessings and giving to others what you yourself need. I strive to see life as a glass half full. I am very grateful for the life I have and all the wonderful people that make this grand adventure so worthwhile.
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