Now all she thinks of is that Mr. Bean. I said “I can’t talk right now I have to drive. She said “but your talking now”. Me:”The light is red.” She says “Well at least can I talk to myself?” “That’s fine”I said and she giggled and chatted all the way to school.
Sofia is very maternal whether it's taking care of her stuffed animals or giving baths to her Peppa Pig family. She's a very busy lil mommy.

One night Sofia was focused on making a necklace. She said:
“gramma I’m making you a necklace so when you go back to California you’ll remember me.”

At 4 1/2 years Sofia is bilingual and while now she has fully surpassed me in speaking and comprehension of Italian she knows I do understand when she speaks to me in that language. She doesn’t ever volunteer to speak to me in Italian, she avoids it. But last night while we lay in bed in the dark we talked about the day we had. We talked about her favorite parts of the day and all the fun we had and we giggled so much. Finally I had to say we have to stop talking now and go to sleep. She snuggled up close and said “Gramma TI VOGLIO Tantissimo!” (I love you very much). Oh my gosh Sofia if you only knew how that made this gramma feel.
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