This bear was given to my dad by his devoted caregiver at the nursing home he lived in the last years of his life. My dad and the young caregiver had such great affection for each other. When my dad passed I kept the bear and saved him. Last year when my grand daughter was here I found the bear tucked away and brought him out for Sofia to play with. I have an assortment of toys and dolls and stuffed animals but Sofia was drawn to this bear and immediately named him “Harold”. Whenever we face time she asks to talk to Harold. If I bring him out she has amazing long conversations with him (I have to be his voice!) Sofia asked me to please bring Harold to visit her. She told him “”Harold I am going to take you to my school so my friends can meet you and I’m so excited to see you and play with you.” Today I’m packing for the trip and must not forget to pack Harold. His first airplane ride! Gramma is chopped liver compared to Harold!
March 1:
At airport with Harold waiting to board a 7 a.m. flight.

3 hours later....
Reunited and it feels so good!

March 3:
As soon as Sofia got home we played til dinner then back to more play, bath time and bedtime. So far I’ve read the same Berenstain bear story about five times to she and her stuffed animals. As you can see “Harold” gets to sit in the best seat for our tea party which Sofia set up.

March 4:
Sofia tonight with her number one Harold!

March 5:
Sometimes the conversations from a four year old to a stuffed animal just make my heart melt. This morning before Sofia left for preschool she said to Harold: “I could be your mother if you want me to.”
Friday night March 6:
Working on a jigsaw puzzle with auntie Jocelyn and giving an art lesson to “her stuffed animals.”

Tuesday March 10
When I was packing my suitcase last night Sofia said “Gramma would you like to take my Owl to California?” I asked “Why?” She said “ well because she could fit in your backpack and she wants to go with you and Harold could stay with me.” It was simply an offer I could not refuse. Guess who’s California bound?

March 10th
Jocelyn and I made it home fine. She only had carry on luggage so as soon as we landed we parted ways and she met up with her husband Vicente straightaway. In Dallas the kids and Sofia picked us up at 5:00. They had come straight from school. Sofia was in her car seat and the first thing she asked me was did I have "Owl". When I assured her I did she said can I see him in your backpack?. I said he wasn't in my backpack but in my luggage so he'd be away from all the germs and better protected. That seemed to satisfy her. We said our goodbyes curbside (Sofia stayed in her carseat) and that was the hardest for me. Outside the car I felt so teary leaving all of them but especially Sofia. I know you understand. She looked at me and gave me a thumbs up with her hand and then she put her hands together , curled her fingers and connected her thumbs and made a heart for me. That did me in but I returned the signal with my hands and blew her a kiss. That was it and we headed to our gate.

Update on Sofia’s owl. I decided to chance it and throw the owl into the washer and then dryer yesterday. The results were great. She’s softer than ever and so cuddly.

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