Mike was up before the crack of dawn taking off the old seals of the
fridge and putting on the new ones. Obviously I was up too as I
photographed this last step. We plugged the fridge and it's been cooling
ever since. At 8:30 a.m. we took off for the beach to relax and read.
Surfers were out and the beach was serene and quiet with waves that were
not huge. Our reading matter differs greatly. The cover of his book
says; "The best overview of privacy and security ever written." My
cover "A testament to the idea that the things we say matter, that our
words have the power to comfort and uplift empower and inspire." We're
polar opposites in many ways.
I believe in love and kindness, family first, deep meaningful friendships, counting one's blessings and giving to others what you yourself need. I strive to see life as a glass half full. I am very grateful for the life I have and all the wonderful people that make this grand adventure so worthwhile.
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