Miss Priss Cupcakes and Such Opens In Los Alamitos
April 23, 2019 was a day that Long Beach fans of Karie Kearney's "Miss Priss
cupcakes" have been waiting for: The grand opening of Miss Priss 2 in
Los Alamitos. I arrived 15 minutes before the doors opened and found a
long line already formed outside! Soon the doors opened to the beautiful
new cupcake shop. The menu is expanded to serve great sandwiches,
salads, chips, canned drinks , coffee, ice cream and milk shakes along
with all the usual yummy cup cakes and decorated full size cakes. I'm so very happy for Karie Kearney who has dreamed of opening an expanded version of her cupcake shop that
we all know and love in our neighborhood. Karie opened her first shop
11 years ago and has made that a go to place for us all! Congratulations
Miss Priss the little bakery that could! You dreamed this dream Karie
and you made it come true! We are so proud of you. All the best!
I believe in love and kindness, family first, deep meaningful friendships, counting one's blessings and giving to others what you yourself need. I strive to see life as a glass half full. I am very grateful for the life I have and all the wonderful people that make this grand adventure so worthwhile.
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